What is the best platform for your business? First published 15th August 2022


What is the best platform for your business?

There's a lot of noise out there about the best platform for your business. 

But here's the thing: there is no one-size-fits-all solution!

You have to decide what works best based on who you're marketing to

and what you want to accomplish with your marketing strategy.

Take some time to figure out what goals you want to achieve, then match

those with platforms that will help you reach those goals.

Set your goals.

To help you set goals for each platform, we've created a few SMART

(specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound)

examples that can be applied to any business.

  • Increase engagement: Set your goal to increase the number of likes on your Instagram posts.
  • Grow your audience: Increase the number of followers across all platforms.
  • Increase sales: Boost sales by 25%.

Know your audience.

Having a clear understanding of your audience is critical to any successful marketing campaign.

You need to know who they are, where they hang out, what they like and dislike, what they think

and do, what they don't think or do—basically everything about them.

Your audience can be broken down into two categories: those who are already customers and

those who aren't yet customers but could potentially be in the future if given the right message at

the right time.

Both groups require different strategies in order for you to achieve maximum success with your marketing efforts.

Decide what platforms you want to use.

To decide what platform is best for your business, you need to decide what type of content you want to share.

Do you prefer long-form articles or short blog posts?

Are there existing communities where people in your niche congregate?

If so, does it make sense for them to be able to join your community on that platform?

If the answer is “yes,” then definitely go with that platform.

It will be easier for both you and your customers if they have access to everything from one place.

This is going to vary depending on what you do and who you serve.

For example, if your business is a restaurant where customers order food at the counter,

then I'd say that using an app (like Waitlist) could be the best choice for you.

Or if your business happens to be more of a service-based one (like web design),

then maybe using an online site builder might work better for what you need.

The key here is to figure out what your customers need most and then deliver them that service in the easiest way possible.

Ask Your Customers What They Want to See in an App or Website

The best way to find out what your customers want is by asking them directly.

You can do this through surveys, polls and focus groups. But the most effective way is to simply talk with them face-to-face (or via email).


So, what are some of the ways to figure out which platform is best?

First, consider your goals. Are you looking to reach a specific audience?

Or maybe you want people who have already converted on one channel to continue buying on another.

Then, take a look at where those people are spending time online and see if any networks fit with your marketing strategy.

Finally—and this is important—don’t get stuck in the weeds overthinking about every little thing! I

f something looks like it could work for your business, then give it a shot!

The process of deciding which platform works best can be overwhelming at times,

but hopefully, this blog post has helped, break down some reasoning behind each choice.

Don’t forget that you can always switch up your strategy if something isn’t working.

Social media is a constantly-changing world, so be sure to stay on top of the latest news and trends.

You don’t have to spend months trying one platform before switching over to another

—if something doesn’t work for your business at first glance, then simply move on to another option that might suit your needs better.

~Allison S~


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