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Why does your business need to be on social media?- first published 29th August 2022

Why does your business need to be on social media?

Facebook is the most downloaded social media app in Australia amounting to over 28 million, followed by Instagram,

Pinterest, and Google. Facebook has 11.2 billion total visits, 1.5 billion unique visitors, and an average visit time of 21 minutes

and 52 seconds.

Facebook has 1.93 billion daily active users business.

Section 1: The number of people using social media is growing every year.

Section 2: Your customers want to interact with your business on social media

Section 3: Not being present in the online world can negatively affect your business's reputation

Takeaway: In order to stay relevant in today's digital world, you need to have a presence on social media platforms

such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. These sites allow you to market your company or brand, connect with other

businesses and potential customers and increase sales in ways that were never possible before the internet existed.

Your customers are there

Your customers are there. Whether you're a financial services company, a restaurant chain, or a local hardware store,

your customers are on Facebook and Instagram. Fifty-seven per cent of all Americans have social media accounts and

spend an average of eight hours per day online—and they're not just staying on their favourite platform: they're hopping

to different networks depending on which one is most relevant at the time.

Facebook reported 1.86 billion monthly active users in Q1 2019 (which was up 7% year over year), while Instagram has

800 million daily active users (up 7% year over year). And while these numbers aren't growing as fast as they once were,

there's still room for improvement if you want to reach more people with your message.

Social media is a way to keep your customers informed.

Social media is a great way to keep your customers informed. It's important for them to know about the latest news and

updates about your business, and social media is an easy way to do this.

If a customer asks you a question on social media, it's much easier for them if you respond right away rather than

waiting days or weeks before getting back to them. You also want customers with questions because that means

they are interested in what you have to say, which could lead them down the path towards becoming loyal customers

or even a raving fans of yours!

You can use social media as an opportunity to share your expertise: by answering questions or sharing your

knowledge on certain topics related to your business, people will see how knowledgeable and reliable you

are when it comes down to their decision on whether or not they should buy from someone else instead

(or maybe even start their own company!).

As well as being an excellent tool for responding quickly when potential clients ask questions about

products/services offered by businesses like yours; there are plenty other reasons why businesses need an active presence online too."

Social media will increase your brand recognition.

Social media is a great way to get your brand name out there. If you can show that you have an

interesting personality, or if you can get people talking about your company, then everyone will know about it.

If you want to build a community around your brand, social media is the way to go. When people

start seeing that there are other fans of what you do and love being part of it, they'll want to join in too!

If someone sees something on social media that interests them, they might think "This sounds interesting."

Then they'll look into it further and find out more about things like where the product was made or who

created it - things like that matter when choosing whether or not someone wants their own copy

(or even just an e-book version) from this person/company instead of another one who offers similar

products at much higher prices but doesn't seem as genuine as this person does when interacting with

others' opinions through comments left by both parties involved in creating something together."

It's time to get on social media and communicate directly with your customers.

You need to be on social media for many reasons. The first reason is it's a way to communicate with

your customers. With the rise of social media, many brands have been able to directly connect with

their customers and give them access to the brand's inner workings. This helps build trust between consumers and companies,

which can lead to more sales or repeat business if a customer feels they've had good experiences with a brand before.

The second reason you should use social media as part of your marketing strategy is that it allows

you to keep your followers informed about what's happening within the company at any given moment

in time. You can post updates about new products or services that are available, share company news

updates (such as new hires), or even offer coupons for discounts on certain items so that customers

don't miss out on savings opportunities!

Social media also increases brand recognition among potential customers who may not know about

what types of services/products your offer yet—and since these platforms tend not only to help spread

word-of-mouth endorsements but also provide links back onto their own websites when shared over

other channels like Facebook groups or Twitter feed...this leads us to our next point: free marketing!

People who follow other accounts will see these posts pop up on their feeds too - so one person

sharing could mean thousands more people seeing what happens behind closed doors.

It's time to get on social media and communicate directly with your customers. You can't ignore it anymore!

If you're still not convinced, think about how much time people spend on these sites every day.

Think about the fact that they're also spending money there as well - why wouldn't you want in on that action?

The only way to truly succeed online is by being where your audience already spends their time - so get going!

-Allison S

If you have any questions, you can find me here:

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If you want to have a chat to see if we are a good fit working together, book a call here

Wishing you an abundant week.

Until my next blog......

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