Get conversational - First published 24th July 2022

Get Conversational


Social media marketing is a great way to get your brand out there. However, if you're only posting photos and links to your

blog or website, then you're missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your customers and prospects.

Social media channels are not just places where people can see what your company has to offer; they're also places where people can start conversations with you!



Social media channels for marketing.


Social media is a great place to build relationships and engagement. It's also a great place to start conversations with your audience,

which can lead to trust and ultimately sales.

Social media marketing is about starting conversations, not selling. You want people on the other side of that conversation to

feel comfortable and at ease when talking with you, so you have to show genuine interest in them as individuals—not just as

potential buyers of your product or service. Your goal should be for them to know who you are (and what kind of content they can expect from you),

so that when they need something from your company or industry at large, they'll think of chatting with you first!



Social media marketing is not about selling, but starting a conversation.


Social media marketing is not about selling, but starting a conversation.

Most people are on social media because they want to connect with other people, not get sold to. They want to feel heard and understood,

which means that the best way to reach them is through listening and understanding their needs and concerns. This means being active on

social media by engaging with users and providing real value for them. The more you give of yourself through sharing helpful information

or answering questions in an honest way, the greater number of followers you'll attract who actually care about what you do—and will

eventually buy from you when they need something related if they can trust that it will work well!



Make your brand as human as possible and let customers know that you care.


Make your brand as human as possible and let customers know that you care. They’re going to want to know that there is a real person

on the other side of the screen, whether it be through email or social media. It can be as simple as a personal touch.

Here are some examples:

Use “you” instead of “we.” When writing an email, use the second-person pronoun (i.e., “you”) instead of the third-person (i.e., “they/their/them).

This shows that you care about the individual in front of you and not just a faceless person corporation with its name on everything f

from their website to their product packaging.

Show empathy for them when necessary by asking questions about themselves and responding accordingly

(e.g., saying "How was your weekend?" or "How's work been going?" rather than just giving information).



Comments are mini-conversations!

Carefully craft specific replies for each comment.


Keep in mind that your comments should be more than just a one-word reply. They are mini conversations, so you want to go beyond

the bare minimum of “thank you” or “no problem.” People will appreciate your effort!

Here are some things to keep in mind as you craft thoughtful responses:

Be personal and friendly — remember that these are your customers, not faceless people on the internet. You can use their names

if it feels natural, but if they don't mention their name first then leave it out (unless they're asking for it).

For example: "Thank you so much!" is better than "Thanks!" because it lets the customer know you're genuinely grateful for

their purchase and/or feedback.

Be helpful and informative — this is an opportunity to provide value by sharing best practices or helpful information about

products/services offered by Conversational AI Inc., including links back to our website where applicable (e.g., "You could also check out...").

Be patient and understanding — take a moment before responding so that what comes out when typing isn't

something knee-jerk like "I'm sorry" which might come across as insincere at best and patronizing at worst (especially since we're not actually sorry!).

It's always great when someone takes time before replying because then I know they've really thought about what I said rather than just skimming

through my comment quickly like most people do nowadays with text messages...and no offence but those texts often come across as

short-tempered too even though our intentions aren't bad! Just imagine how much better online interactions would be if everyone took

five seconds before sending something back? That would mean fewer misunderstandings too :)



The most important rule about online replying is to do it.


The first step to becoming a better conversationalist is remembering that responding to others is the best way to start a conversation.

You don't have to be an expert on the topic at hand, but simply acknowledging someone else's contribution will get you far.

The second step is being willing to acknowledge people in a personal way—even if they're strangers. Don't just reply with some

impersonal line like "I get it." Instead, try saying something like "That sounds like so much fun! I wish I could join in too." This kind of reply lets your

counterpart know that they aren't alone in whatever experience they're sharing with you (which is often more helpful than saying something along the lines of "Hey man/dude/bro.")



The wrap-up!

You may be thinking, “But what about the ROI?” Well, if your goal is to sell a product or service, then social media commenting might not be for you.

But if you are looking to build relationships with potential customers and start a conversation that leads to conversions in the future—then yes!

In fact, it could take time before customers actually buy from you on social media. So why not get started today by commenting on some other people’s posts?

~Allison S~


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