Do you schedule a time to recharge so your business doesn't consume you? - First published 19 September 2022


Do you schedule a time to recharge so your

business doesn't consume you?

I have been a sole trader business owner for over 10 years in various businesses.

I know that it is very easy to get caught up in the daily grind and not take time out.

We all need to take breaks from our businesses - it's good for us and our clients!

Time to relax

Do you give yourself a holiday from your business?

Take a walk in nature. The fresh air and sunshine will rejuvenate you, and the exercise will help clear your head.

Listen to music that makes you happy—or even better, see a concert!

Do some exercise like taking an aerobics class or going for a jog. It will help reduce stress levels and keep

those endorphins flowing.

Read a book—the longer the better! Reading is proven to lower stress levels, improve concentration and even reduce

insomnia by helping us fall asleep faster (if we’re lucky). It also helps get rid of negative thoughts that can hold us back when we need them most.*

Go for a drive with your favourite tunes playing loudly on the radio (

Watch movies or shows together with your family. It will bring everyone closer, laughing and sharing stories while

creating new memories.


It's important to recharge your batteries on a regular basis!

It's important to recharge your batteries on a regular basis!

A holiday is more than just a break from work, but an opportunity to focus on yourself and develop new skills.

For example, if you're interested in learning how to play the guitar, why not take advantage of that time off and go for it?

By taking some time off work, you'll be able to focus on what matters most: yourself!

Do you give yourself a break over Christmas? or another time of the year?

Do you give yourself a break? If so, how often?

A week off.

A weekend off.

A few days off.

A few hours off. (Doesn't have to be an entire day.)

Lunch break! You deserve it! Give yourself a treat once in a while...go get lunch at your favourite

restaurant or simply enjoy your favourite snacks while catching up on those shows on Netflix

that you've been meaning to see but don't have time for right now because of your business obligations and responsibilities...

As a sole trader business, it is very easy for your life to become completely consumed by work.

As a sole trader business, it is very easy for your life to become completely consumed by work.

You can start feeling stressed and tired and will need to take regular breaks. It’s important that you make time for yourself.

If you are working from home, it’s also important not to neglect your personal life or relationships with friends and family

as they can become unbalanced if they don’t receive the attention they deserve too.

You are the person who has to do all the work, there is no one else you can blame if things aren't done.

You are the only person who can do the work. You are the only person who can make things happen.

You are the only person who can make things better, and you're also the only person who can make things worse.

There is no one else to blame if things aren't done or don't go as planned. This is a good thing because it means you

have 100% responsibility for everything that happens in your business and life!

Take some time off from your business to recharge yourself physically and mentally so that when you return to work,

you'll be able to focus on making progress toward your goals instead of being distracted by problems related to excessive

stress or burnout due to working too much without proper rest periods.

When you are working from home it can be difficult to switch off at the end of the day.

I know what you're thinking: when I work from home, I can leave my office behind at the end of the day. I

can just flick off my computer and go to sleep, no problem.

It's not that easy. Here are some reasons why it's hard for people who work from home

(and especially those who do so more than 5 hours per week) to switch off and relax after a long day of work:

You never really leave your office behind; there's always something on in the background (for me, it's usually music).

And if there isn't anything playing in the background, then chances are that your mind is still focused on whatever project

you were working on earlier. Your brain needs something else to think about, but sometimes that requires forcing

yourself into a different state of mind—which can be difficult when all day long you've been thinking about this one thing over and over again.

Having breaks from your business will make you more productive.

Taking breaks will make you more productive. You’ve probably heard that taking a break from your work can

help you come back to it feeling refreshed and ready to go. But what you may not know is that there are many

benefits to taking breaks in general. When you take regular breaks from focusing on one task, your brain is

given the opportunity to rest and recharge, which has been shown to improve creativity and productivity levels.

In addition, a short break will give your eyes a rest from squinting at the computer screen for hours on end—

and if the break includes some physical activity (like going for a walk or getting up and stretching), then it’s even better!

Do yourself and your business a favour, and take some time out so

you come back refreshed and ready to work.

You’ve worked hard all year, but now it’s time to take some time out so you can come back refreshed and ready to work.

You might think that this will be a waste of valuable time, but it won’t. In fact, taking a break will mean that you can return

to your business with renewed energy and enthusiasm, which means that you will actually be able to take on more work

(and make more money). What do we mean by “taking some time off?” Well, there are many options available:

You could go away on holiday somewhere nice (but not too far away)

You could catch up with family members who live far away from each other

Or perhaps just have an afternoon in the park or in the cinema!

We hope this has given you some inspiration on how to take a break from your business.

Allison S

If you have any questions, you can find me here:

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If you want to have a chat to see if we are a good fit working together, book a call here

Wishing you an abundant week.

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